Sunday, April 14, 2013

Issue 3
Be prepared, self-reliant, and independent. Times of plenty are times to live providently and lay up in store. Times of scarcity are times to live frugally and draw on those stores. -- Bishop Keith B. McMullin, (Ensign, Nov. 2002, p 96)

Meal Planning

By Kimberley Eggleston, Guide

One downfall for many is simply that when it comes to dinnertime, there is no plan for what to cook! The first step to avoiding this meal-time catastrophe is to take a little time to do some meal planning at the beginning of the week so that you are well-stocked and prepared for the dinnertime crunch.

1. Plan the Basics

As you plan a menu for the week, ask three questions.
1.  What are the preferences of your family or guests?  Try new flavors to broaden your enjoyment of foods. However, as you are planning, you may want to take into consideration any special needs of your family and guests. For example, will you be serving somebody who practices vegetarianism? This will definitely alter your meal choice.
2.   What will I have time for? Do plan in advance for busy nights. A quick meal will be in order for a busy night.
3.   What is in the refrigerator that needs to be used? Perhaps you have a cut of fish waiting to be used in the refrigerator. To avoid wasting it, you might want to plan a meal that uses ingredients before they spoil.


Items to consider for February Purchases
*Extra grains, beans & rice to add to your long term supply
*Bottled water and/or 1 or 5 gallon water containers
*Set aside at least $5 cash every payday in your house NOT the bank.
*Keep your vehicle gas tank ½ full & fill up a 5 gallon gas can to store (add a product to prolong shelf life).
*When shopping for groceries buy extra items to help build your EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 3 MONTH SUPPLY OF EVERY DAY ITEMS.
*Big Item: Hygiene products
*72 Hr kit: Hygiene products: hand towels, soap, shampoo, dental items, etc.
*Plus whatever else you feel inspired to do for your family’s needs.
*Have you been to the temple this month?

2. Keep Meals Balanced

Especially with low calorie cooking, you will want to make sure your
meals are balanced. While many of us think that the main dish of the
meal must consist of some type of meat or fish, today's balanced meal
actually includes a much larger proportion of whole grains, vegetables,
 and fruits with a small serving of meat "on the side" or mingled in with
 the dish. A small serving of meat means 2-3 ounces, or a portion about
the size of a deck of cards. By making the remainder of the meal full of
grains and especially fruits and vegetables, you will automatically boost
the nutritional content of your meal while keeping the calories low. One
way to accomplish this may be to include a side dish of vegetables and
fruits as well as a small salad.


3. Scour the Pantry for Ingredients You Have on Hand

Your next step in planning will be to make your shopping list. But, before
you make a comprehensive list of all the ingredients you will need for the
week's meal choices, check to see what you might already have on hand.
You may have ingredients that you have forgotten about, and you don't
want to find yourself buying extra items that you may already have stashed behind the peanut butter.


4. Make Your List and Shop the Ads

Once you have decided which ingredients you will need to purchase at the grocery store, you are finally ready to make your shopping list. While you are preparing your list, you may want to shop the week's ads to find out where the best deals are on the items you need. There may be great money-saving possibilities by finding deals and even clipping a coupon or two along the way. And now you are ready to go to the grocery store, and be prepared for a week's worth of healthy meals.

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